The Catholic News Archive

About this collection

Welcome to the Catholic News Archive! Our site has thousands of newspaper pages, from different cities, over multiple years... and the collection is growing! Our collection is fully text searchable so do a search on anything that interests you and see it in the context of the newspapers’ editorials, pictures, and advertisements.
The Archive was started by the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA), formerly a non-profit alliance of archives and libraries collaborating in support of the mission to provide enduring global access to Catholic research resources, and funded, in part, by a generous grant from the Catholic Communications Campaign, of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  In 2023, CRRA members voted to dissolve, and CRRA formally became a program of Atla, who continues to support the development of the Catholic News Archive.
Established in 1946 as the American Theological Library Association, Atla is a membership association of librarians and information professionals, and a producer of research tools, committed to advancing the study of religion and theology. Atla’s membership includes more than 800 individuals and libraries at academic institutions from diverse religious traditions and backgrounds. As a community of collectors and connectors, Atla works to promote worldwide scholarly communication in religion and theology by advancing the work of libraries and related information providers.
Through the CRRA program, Atla will continue to offer Catholic-focused programming and networking for libraries, archives and other institutions through continued support and growth of the resources founded by CRRA and development of new initiatives with the input and guidance of its members and participants in the CRRA program.
This collection contains 37,365 issues comprising 733,054 pages.

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Kevin Cawley
Noel McFerran
Karen Lesiak